Should Apple Switch Off Siri?
The headline, of course, is meant to be provocative. But I'm also not sure it's in Betteridge's Law territory. Because I'm not sure that Apple shouldn't consider outsourcing their AI layer on the assistant front to a third-party, at least temporarily while Siri is brought up to speed.
I bring this up, of course, because of the stories last week which pointed out that Siri still, well, sucks. Perhaps not at everything, but at enough things over enough time that we've all basically lost faith in her. What started out as Apple jumping ahead with a cool new technology 14 years ago has become the butt of Larry David jokes, laughed at by millions. As with all the best jokes, they're so funny because they're true. And optically, this is a nightmare for Apple at the worst possible time. It's 2025, AI is writing poetry and code and passing PhD-level exams. Siri doesn't know who won the Super Bowl.