M.G. Siegler •

My God, It's Full of Stargates

xAI and NVIDIA join another $100B AI data center initiative...
My God, It's Full of Stargates

In thinking of a way to frame the news that xAI and NVIDIA are joining with BlackRock and Microsoft on a massive $100B AI infrastructure initiative, my mind first went to 'Ra'. Not the Egyptian Sun God, but rather the antagonist from the 1994 film version of Stargate. I mean, it was sort of the Sun God, but also an ancient alien. Anyway, Ra wasn't really the enemy of the Stargate itself, but rather the group that came through it. So instead, a more apt framing might be 'SG-1' – the series that followed the movie. Just by nature of it being a television show, it was obviously going to be a bit smaller in scale. But it also was centered around the notion of multiple Stargates.

Now we're getting closer...

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