Google Isn't Lazy, It's Timid. As It Sadly Must Be.
Microsoft's Hedge Against OpenAI
Chromecast is Dead. Long Live the 12th Attempt at a Streaming Box.
Well This is Awkwafina
The Excuses Change, the Hackquisitions Remain the Same
Apple Does What It Does, Without Too Much AI Spend
Nah, Facebook That
AI Friend or AI Friendo?
RIP Meta's Celebrity AI Chatbots (2024 - 2024)
NVIDIA Whiplash
Move Slow and Make Sure Everything Works
No Massive NVIDIA Clusters for Apple?
The Ground Shifts Under AI's Feet
AI's Potential Ouroboros Problem
Riding Llamas and Wakeboards
Mark Zuckerberg's "Thoughts on Open Source AI"
The EU, Trapped in Tech Amber
'Strawberry' Fields of Research
The EU Plays Itself
Oh, What a Tangled Web of NVIDIA Chips We Weave
Nothing Boring About OpenAI's Board
About That AI PC "Supercycle"
Springtime for Siri in Periphery