Dispatch 042: TikTok & Twitter
May Your First Startup Be A Masculine Startup
Dispatch 041: It's Political & Personal
Dispatch 040: The Case for a For-Profit OpenAI
Dispatch 039: One Prediction Down...
Dispatch 038: Meta Miscues
Dispatch 037: CaptAIn AmerIca...
Venu, Vidi, Vici
Dispatch 036: Cutting Checks, Bending Knees & Kissing Rings
The Witching Hour
$1M Knee Pads
Meta's Next Big Blunder
Apple Comes to Google's Defense, But the Opposite
Being for the Benefit of OpenAI
The Greatest Trick Netflix Ever Pulled...
Buy Me to the Moon
Dispatch 035: On to '25
For 007, Amazon is Not Enough
Dispatch 034: A New Social Media?
Dispatch 033: Streaming Saves Santa
The Streaming Salvage